- 模版以外使用 Helper
- - sfProjectConfiguration::getActive()->loadHelpers($helpers)
- - 如 TextHelper 則 $helpers = Text
- 模版中使用不是預設加載的幫助類
- - < ?php echo use_helper('Text', 'JavaScript') ?>
- 自己寫的 Helper 可以放於
- - app/frontend/lib/helper
- - lib/helper
- 默認佈局(Layout)
- - templates/
- - apps/frontend/templates/layout.php
- 模版中的變數
- - $sf_context: 環境對象 (context object) (sfContext 物件)
- - $sf_request: 請求對象 (sfRequest 物件)
- - $sf_params : 請求的參數
- - $sf_user : 當前用戶的 Session 對象 (sfUser 物件)
- - $sf_request->getParameter('xxx')
- - $sf_params->get('xxx')
- - $this->getParameter('xxx') [用於 action 上]
- 局部文件 (Partials)
- - 以 _ 開頭
- - 載入用 include_partial 函數,省略 _ 和 .php
- - 如在同一 Module 直接輸入模板名稱則可
- - 否則需要使用 module_name/template_file_name
- - 如果在全域中 global/template_file_name
- - 傳送參數給局部文件可以通過
- - include_partial(template_name, array('param1'=>value1, …))
- - action 中調用
- - $this->renderPartial('my_module/my_template_name');
- 組件 (Components)
- - 存放於 action/components.class.php
- - 和 action 一樣以 execute 開頭
- - View 以 _my_component_execute_name.php 命名
- - 即 executeHeadlines -> _headlines.php
- - 模板中使用
- - include_component(component_name, action_name)
- - include_component(component_name, action_name, array('param1'=>value1,….))
- - action 內 $this->param1
- - 模版內 $param1
- 槽 (Slots)
- - 用 include_slot(slot_name) 檢查是否定義了這個槽
- - 可用 slot('slot_name') , end_slot() 定義 slot 區塊(block)
- - 如
- a.php
- - include_slot('title')
- b.php
- - slot('title', 'this is a test')
- View.yml
- - apps/my_app/modules/my_modul/config/view.yml 只作用於自身模組的個別 action 覆蓋
- - apps/my_app/modules/my_modul/config/view.yml 的 all 會對所有動作進行覆蓋
- - 默認視圖文件
- - apps/frontend/conf/view.yml
- - action 中設置 meta, head 頭
- - $this->getResponse()
- - setContentType, setHttpHeader, setStatusCode(code, message)
- - addMeta, setTitle, addStyleSheet, addJavaScript
- - setCookie(name, content, expire, path, domain)
- - view.yml
- - set 是字串 ""
- - add 是數組 [1, 2, 3]
- - 標題 view.yml
- - indeSuccess
- - metas
- - title: xxxxx
- - stylesheet: [1, 2, 3]
- - javascript: [script]
- * [-main.js, main2.js] 則刪掉 main.js
- * [-*] 則刪掉所掉
- * [special: { position: first }] 則優先加載
- * [http://main.js, paper:{ raw_name: true }] 直接使用 url
- - action 中
- - $this->getResponse()->addStylesheet('mystyle1');
- - $this->getResponse()->addJavascript('myscript');
- - $this->getResponse()->addJavascript('myscript', 'first'); 優先加載
- - $this->getResponse()->addJavascript('myscript', '', array('raw_name' => true)); 直接使用 url
- - 模版中
- - use_stylesheet('xxx')
- - use_javascript('xxx')
- - use_javascript('xxx', 'first') 優先加載
- - use_javascript('xxx', '', array('raw_name' => true)) 直接使用 url
- - 指定布局文件
- - indexSuccess
- - layout: abc
- - has_layout: false // 去掉布局
- - $this->setLayout('abc') // action 中
- - $this->setLayout(false) // 去掉布局
- - decorate_with('abc') // 模板 中
- - decorate_with(false) // 去掉布局
- - XSS 安全
- - frontend/config/settings.yml
- - all:
- - .settings:
- - escaping_strategy: true
- - escaping_method: ESC_SPECIALCHARS ****
- - 取得過濾的資料
- - $sf_data->get('test');
- - $sf_data['test'];
- - 未過濾資料
- - $sf_data->getRaw('test');
- ****
- - ESC_RAW: 不轉義
- - ESC_SPECIALCHARS: htmlspecialchars()。
- - ESC_ENTITIES: htmlentites() ENT_QUOTES
- - ESC_JS: 將 HTML 轉義,使其可被放於 JavaScript 字串中
- - ESC_JS_NO_ENTITIES:轉變成 JavaScript 中可使用的字串,如 alert
- ****
- 轉義後 $sf_user,$sf_request,$sf_param, $sf_context 也會被轉義
- 如果需要使用原數據,則取用 ESC_RAW 作傳遞
第 08 章
- 生成模型
- - php symfony cc (如找不到就先清理)
- - php symfony doctrine:build-model
- 基礎: lib/model/doctrine/base (每次 build 將自動生成)
- 實際: lib/model/doctrine (改動則於此,build 不影響)
- 取數據
- $article = new Article();
- $article->setTitle('this is a test');
- $acticle->getTitle();
- $article->fromArray(array(
- 'title' => "this is a test"
- 'content' => "this is a content"
- ));
- $article->save();
- $article->getId(); // 取得 last_insert_id
- $article->isNew();
- $article->isModified();
- $article = Doctrine_Core::getTable("article")->find(123);
- --
- $comment = new Comment();
- $comment->setTitle("this is test");
- $comment->setContent("this is content");
- $comment->setArticle($article);
- $comment->setArticleId($article->getId());
- $comment->getArticle()->getTitle();
- $article->getComments(); // 一篇文章對多篇回應
- $comment->delete();
- ---
- 一般查詢
- $q = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Article')->createQuery();
- $articles = $q->execute();
- $q = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Comment')->createQuery('c')
- ->where('c.author = ?', 'Steve')
- ->leftJoin('c.Article a')
- ->andWhere('a.content LIKE ?', '%enjoy%')
- ->orderBy('c.created_at ASC');
- $comments = $q->execute();
- Table 類的提供: findAll(), findBy*(), 和findOneBy*(), fetchOne()
- ---
- PDO 的查詢
- connection = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
- $query = 'SELECT MAX(created_at) AS max FROM blog_article';
- $statement = $connection->execute($query);
- $statement->execute();
- $resultset = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
- $max = $resultset->max;
- ---
- Timestampable 自動設置 created_at 和 updated_at
- schema.yml 可以分拆成多個文件
- - config/doctrine/business-schema.yml
- - config/doctrine/stats-schema.yml
- 分表.不同表用不同的 connection
- 1. 在 database.yml 中定義 doctrine 和 doctrine_bis
- 2. business-schema.yml 加入 connections: doctrine
- 3. stats-schema.yml 加入 connections: doctrine_bis
- 由資料庫中生成 schema.yml
- php symfony doctrine:build-schema
第 9 章
- 路由規則
- - routing.yml
- routing.yml
- - article_by_title:
- - url: articles/:subject/:year/:title.html
- - param: { module: article, action: permalink }
- 請求: http://www.example.com/articles/finance/2010/activity-breakdown.html
- 得出:
- 'module' => 'article'
- 'action' => 'permalink'
- 'subject' => 'finance'
- 'year' => '2010'
- 'title' => 'activity-breakdown'
- url_for(url) 函數會將內部 URL 轉化為外部 URL
- link_to(label, url, array(class=>'', target='')) 會自動呼叫 url_for 轉換和處理
- button_to(label, url)
- from_tag(url)
- apps/frontend/settings.yml 中的 no_script_name 控制 URL 顯示
- - false 時則顯示 index.php/ 或 myapp_dev.php/
- - true 則會隱藏
- - true 時,則代表其不在測試/開發環境而是在 prod 生產/正式環境 ***
- mod_rewrite
- - 文件位於 myproject/web/.htaccess
- 檢查 post, get
- - $this->request->isMethod('post')
- link_to 為 post
- - link_to(label, url, 'post=true')
- 除了 post 還有 encode 和 absolute
- - encode 輸出無法識別的東西,主要用來加密 email
- - absolute 輸出完整網址
- 取得/解釋 Rout URL
- - http://myapp.example.com/article/21
- - $routing = $this->getContext()->getRouting();
- - $uri = $routing->getCurrentInternalUri();
- > article/read?id=21
- - $uri = $routing->getCurrentInternalUri(true);
- > @article_by_id?id=21
- - $rule = $routing->getCurrentRouteName();
- > article_by_id
- - $module = $this->getParameter('module');
- - $action = $this->getParameter('action');
- 由外部 URL 轉換成內部 URL
- - $uri = 'article/read?id=21';
- - $url = $this->getController()->genUrl($uri);
- > /article/21
- - $url = $this->getController()->genUrl($uri, true);
- > http://myapp.example.com/article/21
第 10 章
- action 中
- ---
- $this->form = new sfForm();
- $this->form->setWidgets(array(
- 'name' => new sfWidgetFormInputText(),
- 'email' => new sfWidgetFormInputText(array('default' => 'me@example.com')),
- 'subject' => new sfWidgetFormChoice(array('choices' => array('Subject A', 'Subject B', 'Subject C'))),
- 'message' => new sfWidgetFormTextarea(),
- ));
- 模版中
- < ?php echo $form; ?>
- 如果要自定義
- < ?php echo $from['name']->renderRow(); ?>
- 如果需要改變 HTML 屬性
- - 第一個參數是屬性
- - 第二個參數是可選,替換標籤
- < ?php echo $form['name']->renderRow(array('size' => 25, 'class' => 'foo'), 'Your Name') ?>
- 可分開來顯示 (則不用 table 結構,自定義)
- - render() (for the widget), renderError(), renderLabel(), and renderHelp()
- - 即
- <ul>
- < ?php foreach ($form as $field): ?>
- <li>
- < ?php echo $field->renderLabel() ?>
- < ?php echo $field->render() ?>
- </li>
- < ?php endforeach; ?>
- </ul>
- - 或
- <ul>
- < ?php echo $form->renderUsing('list') ?>
- </ul>
- setWidget 設置
- - $form->setWidget('full_name', new sfWidgetFormInput(array('default' => 'John Doe')));
- >
- <label for="full_name">Full Name</label>
- <input type="text" name="full_name" id="full_name" value="John Doe" />
- - $form->setWidget('address', new sfWidgetFormTextarea(array('default' => 'Enter your address here'), array('cols' => 20, 'rows' => 5)));
- >
- <label for="address">Address</label>
- <textarea name="address" id="address" cols="20" rows="5">Enter your address here</textarea>
- - $form->setWidget('pwd', new sfWidgetFormInputPassword());
- >
- <label for="pwd">Pwd</label>
- <input type="password" name="pwd" id="pwd" />
- - $form->setWidget('id', new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(array('default' => 1234)));
- >
- <input type="hidden" name="id" id="id" value="1234" />
- - $form->setWidget('single', new sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox(array('value_attribute_value' => 'single', 'default' => true)));
- >
- <label for="single">Single</label>
- <input type="checkbox" name="single" id="single" value="true" checked="checked" />
- 上傳文件組件和預覽
- - $form->setWidget('picture', new sfWidgetFormInputFile());
- >
- <label for="picture">Picture</label>
- <input id="picture" type="file" name="picture"/>
- - $form->setWidget('picture', new sfWidgetFormInputFileEditable(array('default' => '/images/foo.png')));
- 驗證表單
- $this->form->setValidators(array(
- 'name' => new sfValidatorString(),
- 'email' => new sfValidatorEmail(),
- 'message' => new sfValidatorString(array('min_length' => 4))
- ));
- if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
- $this->from->bind(/* 用戶提交數據 */);
- if ($this->form->isValid()) {
- xxx
- }
- }
- 用戶提交數據解決
- - 使用 $this->form->setNameFormat('contact[%s]'); 定義表單
- - 之後表單的 key value 就會被 contact 包裹成為 $contact 的陣列
- - 則可以通過以下方法 bind,從而只取得表單而不是其他資料
- $this->form->bind($request->getParameter('contact'));
- 顯示全局域錯誤
- < ?php if ($form->hasErrors()): ?>
- The form has some errors you need to fix.
- < ?php endif; ?>
- 使用驗證器必須每個欄位都定義,如果是可選,可設置 required => false
- $this->form->setValidators(array(
- 'name' => new sfValidatorString(),
- 'email' => new sfValidatorEmail(array('required' => false)),
- 'message' => new sfValidatorString(array('min_length' => 4))
- ));
- 驗證兩個條件以上,可用 sfValidatorAnd / sfValidatorOr
- $this->form->setValidators(array(
- 'name' => new sfValidatorString(),
- 'email' => new sfValidatorAnd(
- new sfValidatorEmail(),
- new sfValidatorString(array('min_length' => 4)),
- ),
- 'message' => new sfValidatorString(array('min_length' => 4))
- ));
- 自定義錯誤信息
- 'email' => new sfValidatorEmail(
- array(),
- array(
- 'required' => "Please enter email",
- 'invalid' => "Please enter a valid email address"
- )
- ),
- 'message' => new sfValidaorString(
- array('min_length' => 4),
- array(
- 'required' => "Please enter message",
- 'min_length' => "Please enter a longer message at least 4 char"
- )
- ),
- 驗證兩次輸入的密碼
- $this->form = new sfForm();
- $this->form->setWidgets(array(
- 'login' => new sfWidgetFormInputText(),
- 'password1' => new sfWidgetFormInputText(),
- 'password2' => new sfWidgetFormInputText()
- );
- $this->form->setValidators(array(
- 'login' => new sfValidatorString(), // login is required
- 'password1' => new sfValidatorString(), // password1 is required
- 'password2' => new sfValidatorString(), // password2 is required
- ));
- $this->form->setPostValidators(new sfValidatorSchemaCompare('password1', '==', 'password2'));
- 驗證下拉式選單中的資料是否存在於資料庫中
- $form->setValidator('section_id', new sfValidatorDoctrineChoice(array(
- 'model' => 'Section',
- 'column' => 'name'
- )));
- 驗證此用戶名是否已經存在
- $form->setValidator('nickname', new sfValidatorDoctrineUnique(array(
- 'model' => 'User',
- 'column' => 'login'
- )));
- CSRF 保護
- - 設置密碼
- $form->addCSRFProtection('flkd445rvvrGV34G');
- - settings.yml 中設置整個網站保護
- all
- .settings:
- csrf_secret: ##…##
- *** 最好是將 from 儲存為 lib/form/ContactForm.class.php
- *** 這樣就可以簡單的讀取和改變內裡的資料 (如: setWidget / setValidator)
- 生成表單
- php symfony doctrine:build-forms
第 11 章
- 調用 mailer
- - $mailer = sfContext::getInstance()->getMailer();
- 發送郵件
- $this->getMailer()->composeAndSend(from_email, to_email, subject, content);
- 發送群組電郵
- $to_email = array(
- 'email' => 'name',
- 'email' => 'name',
- );
- $this->getMailer()->composeAndSend(from_email, $to_email, subject, content);
- 建立消息對象,發送郵件
- $message = $this->getMailer()
- ->compose(from_email, to_email, subject, content)
- ->attach(Swift_Attachment::fromPath('/path/to/a/file.zip'));
- $this->getMailer()->send($message);
- 利用視圖
- $message->setBody($this->getPartial('partial_name', $arguments));
- 配置文件
- factories.yml
- 改變下次發送情況為即刻發送
- $this->getMailer()->sendNextImmediately()->send($message);
- transport 的 class 類別
- - Swift_SmtpTransport
- - Swift_SendmailTransport
- - Swift_MailTransport
- * http://swiftmailer.org/docs/transport-types
- 使用 Gmail
- transport:
- class: Swift_SmtpTransport
- param:
- host: smtp.gmail.com
- port: 465
- encryption: ssl
- username: your_gmail_username_goes_here
- password: your_gmail_password_goes_here
第 12 章
- 清除緩存
- $cacheManager = sfContext::getInstance()->getViewCacheManager();
- $cacheManager->remove('publication/list');
- 取得 template 路徑
- sfConfig::get(’sf_template_cache_dir’)
- 後台不能夠刪除前台的緩存
- $frontend_cache_dir = sfConfig::get('sf_cache_dir').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'frontend'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.sfConfig::get('sf_environment').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'template';
- $cache = new sfFileCache(array('cache_dir' => $frontend_cache_dir)); // 使用前台factories.yml文件中相同的设置。
- $cache->removePattern('user/show?id=12');
- 如果是 memcache 的情況
- $cache = new sfMemcacheCache(array('prefix' => 'frontend'));
- $cache->removePattern('user/show?id=12');
第 13 章
- 設置語系
- frontend/config/i18n.yml
- all:
- default_culture: fr_FR
- $this->getUser()->setCulture('en_US');
- $this->getUser()->getCulture();
- $sf_user->setCulture('en_US');
- 取得預設語系
- $languages = $request->getLanguages();
- 取得結構化時間
- list($d, $m, $y) = $this->getContext()->getI18N()->getDateForCulture($date, $user_culture);
- 按模板分割
- - modules/[my_module]/i18n/message.xx.xml
- - php symfony i18n:extract frontend en
- 在原字典上追加字符串
- php symfony i18n:extract --auto-save frontend en
- 自動刪除舊的字符串
- php symfony i18n:extract --auto-save --auto-delete frontend en
- 拆分較好方法
- < ?php echo __('There are %1% persons logged', array('%1%' => count_logged())) ?>
- 在 action 中呼叫
- $this->getContext()->getI18N()->__($text, $args, 'messages');
第 14 章
- 初始化管理界面
- php symfony propel:generate-admin backend BlogArticle --module=article
- 如沒看見圖片
- php symfony plugin:publish-assets